Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Four Boxes

This last weekend I got rid of four boxes.  Four boxes that were full of stuff ... mailings, coupons, magazines, bills ... you get the picture.

I guess is time to admit that I am a bit of a procrastinator.  

It's a side of me that I am not proud of.  But one that needs to be dealt with.

So tackling those four boxes is a pretty big thing for me.

I took what needed to be shredded to work.   It ended being in three bags.

And now I only have one box with my current stuff and all the magazines are in the magazine rack and the coupons are clipped and ready to be used.

It may mean not much to others, but it is a pretty big deal to me.

I am proud of myself, go me!


  1. I'm very proud of you!!!

    As my son will say, slowly but surely!!!

  2. gracias condena'!

    A ver cuando we can catch up, miss u!
